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Food and wine pairings
Laurent’s All-Chocolate Table

Dark Chocolate Mousse, Grapefruit Segments, & Granola Bars with Lime Zest
A 3-D pairing! 1- A meltingly soft texture in harmony with this sweet wine. 2- A successful union of flavors in the mousse with a contrast between sweetness and bitterness 3- Aromas conveyed wonderfully by the sour notes of the citrus fruit.
A great zesty pairing heightened nicely by the presence of aromatic, dynamic Sauvignon blanc grapes. A fresh and energetic pairing.
Granola finger:
200g of oat flakes
25g of linseeds
25g of sunflower seeds
25g of pumpkin seeds
100g of agave syrup
1 whole egg
Grapefruit segments:
1 pink grapefruit
Chocolate mousse in a cream whipper (siphon):
90g of milk
90g of single cream
110g of dark chocolate (70% cocoa)
2 egg yolks
30g of caster sugar
Granola Bar: Preheat the oven to 170°C. In a mixing bowl, mix all the seeds with the agave syrup. Then on a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper, spread the granola evenly, then put in the oven and bake for 15 min. Remove the baking tray from the oven and let cool 45 mins. Preheat the oven to 170°C. Put the cooled granola into a mixing bowl, add an egg, mix everything together, then fill the financier/rectangular moulds. Bake for 10 mins. Remove the baking tray and let cool. Grapefruit Segments: On a cutting board, use an average-size, serrated, or well-sharpened, knife to cut the two ends off the grapefruit, then lay the grapefruit on one of the two sides. Using the knife, from top to bottom, cut strips, pulling off as much of the pink and white skin as possible and trying not to cut into the pulp.
Then cut the "peeled" grapefruit in two. Remove the pulp, leaving the skin of the remaining fruit. It is normal if the segments are not whole. Refrigerate in a bowl. Chocolate Mousse in a Cream Whipper (Whipping Siphon): In one large mixing bowl, break the chocolate into bits, and leave at room temperature. In another mixing bowl, combine egg yolks and sugar, then with a whisk, beat until silky and smooth. In a pan (medium heat), bring the milk combined with the single cream to a boil. Pour the warm liquid over the silky egg yolks then whip until smooth. Pour the new mixture back into the pan and cook slowly, stirring non-stop! When the temperature reaches 85°C, it is time to pour the cream. Pour the cream into the mixing bowl containing the chocolate bits, then whisk. Fill a cream whipper 3/4 the way with the chocolate cream, then cartridge up twice. Refrigerate for 2 hours. (Without a cream whipper, whisk to a smooth cream, cover with cling film and refrigerate for 2 to 3 hrs). Presentation: place the mousse or cream in a bowl, set the pieces of grapefruit, the Granola bar and the zest of a lime on top.